Friday, October 25, 2013

Underground or mainstream or both?

Underground or Indie Media: 

I think that Watchmen is more underground than indie because superheroes are extraordinary. And comic books are not commonly read now days. Watchmen is the first comic book I read there before I think that comic books are not nearly read as books.  

Reading Watchmen has been quite an adventure because as I read I think that I'm understanding the concept and following through the idea but at the same time it troughs me off the scenario, and I think it was because this comic book has a lot of suspense as it goes because as I read I appoint missing heroes that all of the sudden where in the plot then I would not known of them till the end. On another point of view I think is mainstream as the story plot has a lot of biased in it. Watchmen is a good comic book as underground and mainstream because chapter after chapter it would leave me with the "what is going to happen next?" So it was crazy the fact that I just wanted to keep reading to find the answer to my question. A good lenses that I can relate this comic book to is "gender inequality" because there's only one woman super hero. Where does that leave the woman in society and the particular idea of the persons in the story and all the feminist in society. Interesting would it be because Alan Moore wrote it and not a women or would he think as a "macho" role that only men are able to do more? 

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